Mall Retrofit
An Economic Approach to Redevelopment
Dead or dying malls—often strategically located on transit routes—offer intriguing possibilities for redevelopment. The California Chapter of the Congress for the New Urbanism offered technical assistance in 2017 to help redesign Woodland’s County Fair Mall as a walkable, mixed-used center for living, shopping and working. The process, which was done in collaboration with the City of Woodland, the County Fair Mall owners and merchants and with input from the greater community, took a realistic approach to the challenges and opportunities.
Practical Advice for Planners,
Developers and Architects
A Legal Guide to Urban and Sustainable Development
A collaborative effort with co-author Dan Slone, the book shares what each learned in their separate practices about overcoming the legal and political obstacles to building New Urban communities. Published by Wiley in 2008.
“This is the first book on legal aspects of New Urbanism and sustainable development, and it’s hard to imagine that anyone will soon surpass it. The book contains much that new urbanist planners, developers and architects need to know, all of it presented clearly in everyday English.…
Immensely practical, this guidebook is loaded with techniques that can enable New Urbanism to jump hurdles erected by the legal system, the political apparatus, and the day-to-day difficulties of community life. Each chapter stands on its own, and there are case studies and dozens of sidebars, so you can read the book from start to finish or you can jump in and out. This book is so informative that new urbanists will soon be asking themselves how they ever got along without it.”
--Philip Langdon (New Urban News, September 2008)
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